Title: What do boys think of you
They think of you as a slut. You may be pretty and popular...but you need to change your ways.
They think of you as a slut. You may be pretty and popular...but you need to change your ways.
I feel a tad internet bitch slapped, especially since my answer to "What is your perfect date?" was "A romantic movie". If I'm a slut then what is the girl who answered "A stroll on the beach"? a cock tease? Pft. I've only had the word slut referred to me when my best friend in High School thought it was funny to say "A slut? Geni is the furtherest thing from a slut", which in turn had it's own bad repercussions...
Time is quickly running out for a place to live which is a bit scary. I'll find somewhere though. I've got an interview for a really great design studio next week which will hopefully go well, but since I haven't really gotten any breaks recently I'm not holding my breath.
Time is quickly running out for a place to live which is a bit scary. I'll find somewhere though. I've got an interview for a really great design studio next week which will hopefully go well, but since I haven't really gotten any breaks recently I'm not holding my breath.