Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Not Eating Is Strange

Everything that could've happened has happened in the last year or so. I am fully entitled to a break, but life doesn't seem to be getting the message. Gr.

Lemons and lemonade etc etc. So I'm sitting here drinking copious amounts of 'Poweraid' blueness because Nina said if that was all I was going to drink then it'd make sense to buy the powder stuff that creates eight glorious litres. Not eating is strange, it makes the day role into one a bit with no parts to break it up at all. So I'm sick and drinking blue, working on a farmer's website, reading through my course's first segment a week early and reviving a mostly dead blog.

I'm in Melbourne which feels a little surreal except that the ground keeps staying mostly still which isn't a reality I've been used to for long. I'm full of different emotions being here, I miss my Trin and Hayden but I am also really happy that their life is getting better over in Timaru whilst I attempt to relax/earn some monies over here. I Skype with Trin and she asks me to come back which is more than hard but I realise she is three and doesn't understand that life is going to be better in the long run because I'm here. I think it'll just be till November, things aren't exactly planned but I think five months is long enough to find yourself and make sure it sticks this time.

I'm not a super fan of planning, planning too far ahead always just lands me in trouble. So for now I'm concentrating on trying to find a job, then a room and enjoy myself while I'm here. Simple is good.

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