Monday, November 21, 2011

Unemployment Is Arse

I now live in a small town. A very small town. The problem with living in a small town? Well the problem for me with living in this small town is my lack of friends. I've gone from a dozen or so to none. I have a boyfriend and he is great fun but the point was to live apart, enjoy each others' company but also have our own lives.

Problem with this is that as much as I've been chatting to strangers in shops, cafes and whatnot, I have no friends. I know his friends, but they're obviously his friends, not mine. So what to do? I think I'm going to spend the afternoon feeling a teeny bit sorry for myself and search some forums/clubs online so I can force my friendship upon some unsuspecting strangers.

I seriously cannot wait to get a job. Being unemployed is arse.

On a brighter note, I have invested in a small heater for my giant bedroom and the 'Rose Festival' is this weekend.

That is all.

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