I once went to a 'Parents Coffee Group' ('Parents' meaning 'Mothers'). I sat, I ate a muffin but mostly I just wanted to scream at the two Mums who decided their kids should have free-reign to do whatever they wanted during their 'Coffee Group' time.
One kid kept snatching toys off Trin and pushing the other kids around. Meanwhile his Mum ignored her kid's mean behaviour so she could bitch about the cost of childcare and the upmost importance of professional cupcakes at her children's birthday parties. When we got back to the car I apologised profusely to Trin for taking her to such a horrible place and promised I'd never do it to either of us ever again.
Here is my dilemma: Is there no happy medium between the obsessive, overbearing parent who lives and breaths organic, bio-friendly, trade-fair, dipped in adorable crushed up Angel's wings, Wet Wipes and the uninvolved parent who contently sends their kid to the School Bakesale with store-bought biscuits because they sign a massive cheque once a year to a School with a designer uniform and horse-riding classes?
In all fairness to the parents I just mocked, I think that, that balance is harder to find than any new parent first expects.
Figure 1. Fancy uniforms can't teach classiness.