Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Ran For Three Minutes Today.

Four days ago I was set to run, then I didn't. Today however, I ran for a total of three minutes and walked for twenty. I bought a holder for my iPhone, planned a route for where I would go and downloaded an App called C25K (which btw is way too much for me, so maybe it's 'Couch-2-5ks-If-You've-Been-Sitting-On-The-Couch-In-Between-Running-Around-The-Living-Room') and started down the drive this morning. Then I got this weird pain in the sides of my lower legs and ankles which decided to radiate and in the end I could barely walk back let alone keep running.

It's quite probable that running with this much weight was too much for my poor little tendons. I'm assuming that that's it since google keeps telling me that those symptoms mean I've been pushing myself too hard and too often, laughable since it began about thirty seconds into jogging. So foiled by my fat suit once again I've decided that for the first time in my life, that's not going to stop me. I'm going to change my shoes to something more supportive and begin 'power-walking' on Thursday and see where that takes me. God I hate power-walkers... So in spite of my head telling me I should take it 'as a sign' and just eat those vanilla cupcakes instead I'm going to choose to become one of those people, those silly looking power-walkers.

Maybe I'll have to buy a whole new running outfit to make myself feel better...

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