Thursday, September 20, 2007

Going, Going, Gone.

It seems pretty amazing to me that I can withstand so much pain from relationships without somehow passing out. I think I have a pretty high pain threshold I guess.

This guy I liked, he isn't in the place where he wants a relationships right now. Where is this place? I'd like to find this illusive place where the guy I like does want to be in a relationship, google map search it and set up my fucking base camp there. This 'place' and these 'ex girlfriends', both of which I've never even seen, seem to have this incredible power to control into the future and fuck up my potential relationships with these possibly very nice guys. I'm really fucking sick of it. I'm sick of having to deal with other people's past mistakes which somehow get passed onto me to deal with. Fuck it sucks. I really liked him too. In the end though, no matter how honest I know they're being, I'll never be able to believe that if I was the 'right' girl for them then none of those problems would be issue enough to not give me a chance. Why don't I come across as the kind of girl you should take a risk on? :(

My Dad broke up with his girlfriend to ask my Mum out. The 'right' girls do exist.

Look at me, I have potential, now watch it run down the toilet.

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