Monday, April 07, 2008


I've moved back to Chch. Commitment issues with cities much?

I had to though. Had no job, growing debt and no where to live. Not exactly the best situation to be in long term anyways, so I'm back with my parents, looking for a job...

As a silver lining though, Dad bought these maps of all these walks so we've been doin those which is weirdly kinda cool. We have a load of nature reserves scattered all round the place, ones you'd never know about unless you lived out in the wops.

Missed the animals so much, Izzy is like a crazy head-butter now and just sits on my tummy rubbin her face up to mine. So cute. :)

Jordan and I broke up a few months ago which was pretty devastating for both of us, but I'm starting to feel less broken now.

So nothing too exciting really but I am feeling really pretty good. :P