Thursday, August 02, 2007

Let it go.

As I said in the last post, I tend to be the last one still fighting for something or someone even once everyone else has gone home, I'm standing in the dark, mumbling and groping around trying to find whatever I was hanging onto, even when I've forgotten why I was holding onto it in the first place. One step at a time right? Being stubborn is hardly ever an endearing trait and even then, I think you'd have to be a fuzzy bunny or something to get away with it. So I'm leaving some things behind. Some traits, some people that I never really let go of and some old feelings that have been festering away in my mind for way too long. *Poof*

No that wasn't a cleverly masked fart. It was the sound of me letting things go.

And with that, I shall exit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a look on youtube for a thing called EFT. It seems pretty stupid on the face of it; but one of the most amazing people I know swears by it.

(tbh, I can't get past the "seems pretty stupid on the face of it" bit.)